3 Key Steps for Successful Energy Reduction and Decarbonization of Commercial Real Estate

20.11.23 04:26 PM By dnergy

Discover the three critical steps to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the commercial real estate sector in our first podcast episode. With our updated value proposition and new brand name, we provide a simplified approach to the complex process of reducing carbon emissions in the built environment. Want to learn more? Keep reading or watch the video below.

Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in commercial real estate is crucial for compliance with European legislation. As buildings account for about 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in the built environment is essential. 

Furthermore, energy-efficient commercial real estate offers various other benefits, including operational cost savings and increased property value, which helps attract tenants and investors. 

How dnergy Simplifies the Market

The commercial real estate market faces enormous challenges but, at the same time, experiences a maze of potential solutions to face those challenges. dnergy offers clarity in this market by clarifying our value proposition. Rebranding is a crucial step in this process.

The name dnergy is a fusion of two key elements at the heart of our mission: the ‘d’ from data analytics and AI and ‘nergy’ from energy. Our core expertise revolves around these aspects: leveraging data analytics to swiftly identify the initial potential for energy savings and then reduce energy consumption using our AI-based software, with the support of our experts who dedicate all their energy to assisting our (future) clients.

The 3 Crucial Elements We Need to Make the Energy Transition in Real Estate Happen

The sector is completely off track in reaching the climate targets. In the past, there has been too much focus on implementing technology alone, not considering the actual situation on site or consulting and creating reports alone, not leading to successful outcomes. There is a crucial mismatch between the needs of asset managers, facility managers, and solution providers.

Yes, we need all hands on deck, but three key components are required to make energy reduction and decarbonization work. We need:

  • Technology, including data analytics and artificial intelligence.
  • Processes to overcome governance challenges.
  • Experts in energy and CO2 reduction

Without these three key elements, it is not possible to successfully implement energy solutions in your buildings. dnergy’s value proposition focuses on all three through our unique three-step approach.

The Steps to Take to Reduce Energy and CO2 in Your Building Portfolio

The next step is knowing what to do to start your road to a net zero carbon portfolio. You can start reducing energy consumption in your building in many places. Think about retrofitting: using LED lighting, low-energy equipment, and installing solar panels, but when you zoom out, you will see that about half of the energy use comes from HVAC systems. This makes HVAC the obvious choice to start reducing energy and CO2 and where you should look for big returns.

Implementing Step 1: Mapping the Current Status of Your Building

The first step is to map the current situation of your building. Getting to know everything about your building through data and the availability of technology and combining this with the physical situation in your building through on-site mapping by our experts.

Implementing Step 2: Planning Your Carbon Reduction Steps

To make sure you’ve made the right conclusions in the previous step and that you take the right decisions moving forward, it is crucial that you create a plan. This carbon reduction plan acts as a diagnosis: it enables you to make the adjustments to your building necessary to implement technologies that help you reduce your energy and CO2 emissions.

Implementing Step 3: Acting and Saving

The last step is acting on your plan: adjusting your building to implement the technology and then implementing the technology that will reduce your energy consumption.

Want to Learn More about Successfully Reducing the Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint of Your Buildings?

In our first podcast episode, our CEO Khadija Nadi, CT/PO Stephane Jans, and CCO Dénes Honus discuss why to decarbonize your portfolio, which steps to take, and why this transition has taken so long. Khadija also discusses why rebranding is such an important step in our efforts to accelerate the energy transition in real estate.