It’s fantastic to lead a company that will save even more CO2 as it scales

10.06.21 10:29 PM By dnergy

Leading a company towards success has a threefold meaning for Khadija Nadi, CEO of DeltaQ. Khadija doesn’t only measure success by realizing business growth, but also by having a positive impact on the world and building a motivated, diverse and fun team. 

Khadija spoke to VOKA magazine about her journey to becoming DeltaQ’s CEO and what leadership means to her.


On the cover of June’s VOKA Magazine, Khadija is this quarter’s face of Brussels’ entrepreneurship. Being the CEO of an innovative AI solution for saving energy and CO2 emissions whilst still guaranteeing indoor thermal comfort is challenging but very rewarding. Although there are roadblocks for innovation in real estate, Khadija is optimistic and has a clear vision of collaborating with universities, other organizations, and the government. 

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