Smart technology makes every building eligible for reaching climate targets

22.04.22 12:50 PM By dnergy

According to the United Nations, 39% of global carbon-dioxide emissions are produced by buildings, surpassing both industry and transportation sectors. Buildings pollute throughout their whole lifespan, starting with their construction, followed by their usage, renovation works, and finally their demolition. As the challenge of climate change emerges, it becomes necessary to rethink all of these processes in ways that will reduce the overall carbon footprint of built structures.

Buildings are polluters – and commercial ones especially

A large part of why buildings are such polluters is caused by their energetic demands. Within the EU, buildings – be it homes, offices, shopping centers, or public institutions such as schools or hospitals – account for 40% of total energy consumption. This energy is mainly used to serve their operational needs, such as heating, air-conditioning, or lighting. Unfortunately, this is often done in wasteful ways, making a whopping 75% of buildings in the EU energy inefficient by today’s standards.

Take office buildings for example – in many cases, all their systems, and notably heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ones, run throughout the whole day, regardless of how many people are actually present. Whole floors are tempered and ventilated for hours despite being completely empty, and the impact of pandemics on office usage made this an even more frequent occurrence. This results in huge amounts of unnecessary energy losses – a setback for both the environment and those who are billed.

The EU Green Deal leaves no time to waste

Consequently, the EU Green Deal focuses a great part on built structures. By the 2030 Climate Target Plan, the building sector needs to reach a 60% reduction in emissions compared to 2015. The ultimate goal of having all buildings carbon-neutral is then set for 2050.

To ensure the fulfillment of these targets, various further measures have been introduced as part of the Green Deal Package, including compulsory energy certificates for buildings that are to be sold or rented. Such transactions will require the structure in question to reach at least a class E certificate after January 2027, with the requirement rising to class C starting January 2033. This makes it necessary for property managers to address the current consumption patterns of their assets as soon as possible.

Smart technology means new opportunities

Naturally, all buildings cannot be renovated or replaced at the same time, not only for obvious financial reasons but also because it would mean a huge burden on the environment. Luckily, smart technology brings some fresh air into the building sector, providing innovative solutions that can help cut down on the energy demands of a building practically overnight. New smart solutions combine technologies such as machine learning, AI, and cloud storage that allow for previously unimaginable levels of largely autonomous building management.

Every building has its own set of specifics. HVAC design and technology, thermal loss, occupancy patterns, and the climate in which the structure is set in – are just a few of the components that need to be taken into account while striving to decrease the carbon footprint of the particular building. Smart solutions evaluate this data in order to optimize consumption while improving the comfort of the structure’s users. Sounds good? DeltaQ might be just what you seek.

With DeltaQ, your building can be more sustainable within a few weeks

DeltaQ uses self-learning algorithms, creating a virtual twin of the building and evaluating how it can optimize the particular HVAC systems. It only takes 4-8 weeks for the platform to fully calibrate this model, which it then continues to recalibrate every week based on weather and occupation forecasts, building characteristics, and other inputs. Through predictive control, it can reduce the energy consumption by 25% on average, while improving the comfort of the building’s users who are always met with a pleasant climate in their workspace.

The platform functions autonomously, but also provides the building’s management access to the data and possibilities to adjust whatever they need. DeltaQ team can take care of the preparatory works and installation as well as proper training of the building maintenance staff.

Through a significant reduction in the energetic demands of your building, DeltaQ helps you not only to reach your CSR goals but also your financial ones. Its unique price model takes a small cut of your recorded savings, meaning that you are guaranteed to lower your expenses under all circumstances.

A win-win for everyone, including the climate

Climate change is an urgent issue and therefore requires urgent solutions. Thanks to smart technology, every building can lower its energy consumption by 25% in a matter of a few months, without the need for expensive hard work such as extra insulation. With every adoption of such solutions, the burden of the building sector on the climate decreases. 

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