“Well-known entrepreneurs invest in smart office thermostats” – an interview With Piet Colruyt and Khadija Nadi in HP/De Tijd

03.12.20 03:22 PM By dnergy

Khadija Nadi was announced as new CEO of DeltaQ on October 1st 2020 after a successful investment round with investors Piet Colruyt (Impact Capital), Thomas Leysen, Ron Schuermans (Aconterra) and Werner Koninckxb (Navius). DeltaQ can now roll out her international strategy and impact global CO2 reduction. HP / De Tijd sat down with Khadija Nadi and Piet Colruyt to talk about the potential of DeltaQ to impact sustainability goals.

So, what is to potential impact of DeltaQ? Khadija talks about it in the article:

“The market is enormous. Lots of property managers are looking for solutions, because they have strict climate goals that need to be met to halve CO2 emissions in the next 10 years. In office buildings lies an enormous potential. Buildings represent about 28% of total CO2 emissions. Our estimate is 19% originates from office buildings”. 

Would you like to learn more about Khadija’s vision and what Piet Colruyt has to say about the impact DeltaQ can make within real estate? Read the whole article in HP/De Tijd (in Dutch), published on October 2nd, 2020.

Read the entire article

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